Articles, Book Covers, Historical Romance

Cover Trends

This morning while surfing Amazon to check out two new books that were recommended by BuzzFeed for Spring release (The Duke of Undone and To Love and to Loathe) the page loaded with more recommendations. Each of the covers displayed the new cartoon-type artwork that seems to be a new trend being pushed by traditional publishing companies. These came from St. Martin’s Griffin (Macmillan), Berkley (Penquin), Atria Books (Simon & Shuster), and Kensington Books. (Shame on Kensington, because they used to have some of the most beautiful artwork when it came to covers.)

Is it just me disappointed with this new push? What’s behind the change from the big houses? Is it to save money? Brand themselves apart from independent authors?

What are your thoughts? Chime in on the comments.




Ugh? I think it’s obvious that I’m in the “ugh” category. Give me artwork and wonderfully design covers any day.

Articles, Book Covers, Historical Romance

Fall’s Historical Romance Picks from “She Reads” & My Two Cents on Covers

Latest recommendations floating around the web for historical romance books.

Grab these Fall historical romance books and read enchanting stories of love and desire set in charming historical settings.

Source: Fall’s historical romance picks – She Reads

Beyond these recommendations, I’m sure I’m NOT into these new type of covers for historical romance. They incite no character imagination as far as I’m concerned, and I wonder if it’s a new trend. Give me the bodice ripper covers any day.

As a note, these are all coming from traditional publishing houses such as Berkley, Kensington, Hachette, and Zebra. Is this an attempt to save money in some fashion? Is it a conspiracy to do away with cover art? They remind me of contemporary books along the line of cozy mysteries.

I hope this trend dies because half of the joy of historical romance novels are the gorgeous covers that inspire. They are art forms. Jon Paul Studios has been the go-to for many of these publishers in the past. Check out his website and the pictures you can purchase.

What are your thoughts on this new trend? Yea or nay?